"The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever." - Psalms 12:6-7
The beauty of the Bible is its timelessness. When we read the Word of God yesterday, then again today, then again in the future - it is still the same. Unchanging. Eternal. God promised that He would preserve His Word forever. 2000 years ago the Word was applicable, and today it is still applicable. It is our guide, our mirror, one of our connections with our Almighty and Powerful God of all the Ages. How incredible is it to hold the Bible in your hand, and to know these are God's very words for us?
I struggle sometimes when people read the Bible and say "Well you have to consider that the culture at the time of this letter from Paul was quite different to now, so what was said then is not applicable to us today." Or when people say "Well the Greek word used here actually means this or that. So the verse doesn't mean what it seems to mean."
Does that mean I have to be an Anthropologist or a Greek scholar in order to understand the Word that God gave to all generations? God's hand was in the translation of the Bible from Greek to English and every other language. He orchestrated it so that we could have the Preserved Word of God forever, no matter how educated or uneducated, mature or immature, young or old we are. God promised His Word would be preserved. He would not try to confuse us with cultural differences or historical accuracy. His Word was written for everyone of every generation. He is not a God of confusion, but He has gifted us with a sound mind. I will keep coming back to that because it is so important to understand that we do not have to be Theologians to understand what God is saying to us. If He had wanted the Greek to be translated differently, wouldn't He have orchestrated it so that happened? If the Bible was only relevant to a specific historical culture, why do we have it now?
I read the Bible and I feel connected to God. I learn something new every time I open the pages. They convict me, encourage me, educate and equip me. God's Word is a blessing to all generations, ALL generations. The church has lost its passion for the very one who established us. Jesus IS the Word of God (John 1). He is the reason that we gather and worship God. He is the reason we can have eternal assurance.
Next time you read the Bible, sure look up the Greek words. Sure study the cultural significance - but remember one thing. God's Word is preserved. When you read it, read it as if it was written specifically to you, because it was. God wants you to hear Him and learn about everything through Him.
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." - Psalm 119:105
I love this!
ReplyDeleteI'm so encouraged that you trust, believe and wrote this! We go to God's Word to check everything why?... because it can be trusted and is true throughout very generation! Amen.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your encouragement! God's Word truly can be trusted forever.